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Hopu students won medals in the National 7th Blue Cup contest

Release Time:2016-05-30 Origin:http://pydashi.com.cn

We make warm congratulations on the medals of Hopu students in cooperative academies in the National 7th Blue Cup software and information technology professional contest (hereinafter referred to as the " Blue Cup contest ").On May 29, 2016, the ceremony of the National 7th Blue Cup finals and awards perfectly ended in Beijing university, Hopu students achieved good performance in higher vocational group of JAVA software in the national finals, and 15 students attended the national finals with 2 first prizes, 2 second prizes, 7 third prizes, and 4 honorable mentions, among them Wangchao and haoran Zhang won the first prize in the national finals with ranking before six.圖片1.png

famous CCTV hosts Changxiao and Dingxi host the Seventh Blue Cup award Ceremony

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